About Us
OrderDME, powered by National DME, provides quality, cost effective durable medical equipment and supplies to injured workers or members on behalf of insurance carriers, third party administrators, and other health plans.
We manage your DME needs and costs through a managed care approach, utilizing our deep product knowledge and expertise to identify the “right product, at the right time, for the right cost”.

Mission Statement
Our mission is very simple. We change lives.
There is very little that matters more than our health. When injury, accident or medical condition threatens that, life can be turned upside down.
At OrderDME, we know that the right durable medical equipment and supplies, delivered at the right moment, can help speed healing.
When we restore health, we change lives.
Our Values
Commitment to highly satisfied customers
Innovative solutions through technology
Honest and trustworthy partnerships
Passion to help others

About Us
We manage your DME needs and costs through a managed care approach, utilizing our deep product knowledge and expertise to identify the “right product, at the right time, for the right cost”.
Useful Links
Our Contacts
7757 Allen Streeet,
Midvale, UT 84047